Saturday, October 22, 2011

Chihayafuru [ep 3] - Karuta is a SPORT!

I love this episode to bits! The BEST so far and why am I not surprised. This is a sure winner for me, alongside Fate/Zero. Well if you've noticed I don't watch every anime that are showing atm, because I just don't have the time to and so I pick those that I will truly enjoy. This is beyond my expectations to tell the truth. The episodes just keep getting better and better.


Why I love this episode? It's filled with first, humor, thanks to Chihaya of course for that. She's a natural in that department and I never get bored with her antics. It's really amusing watching her having trouble memorizing all 100 poems but what I like about her is, she doesn't give up easily. What may seem like impossible for her, she's out to try her best even if she can't do it perfectly. They get to meet other Karuta players too at the local training center and their reception is hilarious! The HUG awwww....the Sensei is truly happy to have them join, judging by the fact that Karuta isn't really famous anyway among students.

Second reason - their Friendship is soooo touching and I can't help but try to remember my school friends from when I was little. Sad to say, most of the time, your friends change over the course of years. Some get distant when they change schools or graduate and move. It's all natural. I kinda envy these 3 though for their brief but strong bond and the love for Karuta that they share.

All for one, one for All!

When they decide to do their best in the upcoming tournament in which they can participate as a team of 3 members, we see them working hard. Especially Chihaya who finally finds her own dream. And it's good to hear her tell her sister that seeing her sister become best in Japan is no longer her dream.


But then things turn sour when both Taichi and Arata are leaving town after graduation. Taichi gets accepted in another further school so he can't always play karuta with them anymore. Taichi's grandfather is sick so he has to return to hometown. So it's natural that Chihaya feels abandoned when not one, but BOTH of her closest buddies are leaving! I totally understand her frustration and disappointment. It's like, what's the point of continuing karuta when she can't play with them any longer in the future...Just when she finds her dream and to have it crushed.


But the boys are sweet beings lolz...they make a T-Shirt and named it "Team Chihaya" for the match! So cute!~~~If Chihaya isn't moved by this, then she's cold-hearted but the moment she received the shirt, one of my favorite scenes is when she rushed straight to the venue to join them.


They didn't win but it doesn't matter. They played for the last time before everyone leaves in their different paths. Chihaya gets to have a showdown with Taichi too and it's a heartwarming ending as Chihaya tells them that as long as they continue playing Karuta, they'll surely meet again someday.


I have lots of favorite scenes in this episode. The part where Chihaya devotes herself in memorizing the poems, the snowball fight at the school yard (so beautiful!), Chihaya's disappointment when she hears both of the boys leaving, the boys making up to her with the T-shirt and the final scene. Actually, that'd make up to the WHOLE EPISODE itself xDD A truly entertaining and touching episode. So I gather that soon, we'll be seeing the adult versions of them?If so, I'm going to miss these young versions dearly!

Rating: 10/10!




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