Tuesday, September 6, 2011

IS - Otoko demo Onna demo Nai Sei [ep 8]

Watched without subs...so forgive me if any wrong information are given. Continuing from last episode, we were left with cliffhanger when Haru prepared himself to announce to everybody in the school about his condition.
I can only imagine how heart-shattering if must have been for Kenji to hear it like this...

So naturally, everyone was shocked by the revelation, especially the three classmates Haru first made friends with. It was really sad to see they didn't ask Haru out for lunch together after the broadcast. Some serious awkward moment there! 

*I remember in the manga version, the girls knew very early on about Haru's condition, and they were really supportive. So, hopefully they'll come to accept Haru for who he is after they get over the shock period*
I've come to like Usami a lot in recent episodes. She's a likeable character, she didn't seem shocked or look at Haru in a different way after that, which got me to thinking that she might have had an inkling that Haru has some kind of secret like this. Of course, that' s just what I think.

Moe girl shed a tear!

Haru makes copies of information on IS, just like in the manga. Where's the letter box? hehe
if only this is not the alternative scene....

When pestered by his friends, Kenji didn't make a move but instead, just tell them they weren't going out or close, just friends (might hear wrongly though). The alternative scene above totally fooled me haha, I was really cheering for Kenji only to find that in reality, he didn't defend Haru.
Haru telling Miwa who's locked in her room again about the announcement

And hooray for more insight on Kenji's arc! Finally! Kenji confronted his father after finding out that he knew about Haru being an IS and dark memories begun to surface. Apparently, Kenji's sister was sick  (not sure what sickness).  But she was obviously on a wheelchair as you can see.

Wow...Kenji's past was pretty intense though. Didn't see it coming.

He was embarrassed with his sister's sickness and one day while he was out with their mother, he saw his friends pointing at him and the sister. For a moment, he let go off the wheelchair and it nearly collided with another incoming car if not for the mother who quickly stopped it. Back home, when the mother told the dad about it, the father defended Kenji and scolded his mother instead for not understanding Kenji's feelings. The father pushed the blame on the mother and hit her, all witnessed by Kenji.
In the end, I presume though, the mother left them both behind since in the father's eyes, there's only Kenji and not the sister. For a long time, Kenji still hasn't forgiven himself for letting go off the handle, I'm sure.

Back in school, the female teacher tried to turn things around, instead of getting angry at Haru for not listening to them, she praised him in class for being so courageous and all.


If I were in the same class, I'd have stood up, walked up to her and snatched the handkerchief, threw it on the floor and tell her to take crying lessons to convince us more. My goodness, and the worst part of all...

I'm speechless. 

Haru's parents were called by the headmaster regarding the issue. (I'm not entirely sure what they were talking about, basically the parents explained the reason and asked the headmaster not to expel Haru, I think)
Meanwhile, Miwa was rescued by her father, who practically had to break open the door lock. I'm kinda relieved that the insane mother didn't appear to make things worse. The father seemed pretty heroic lolz...

Usami becomes one of my fav characters hehehe...I mean, c'mon, she was the only one who supported Haru in school and still hang out with him, when the others avoided Haru.

Usami told him what she saw earlier about Kenji. When Haru was nonchalant about the matter, Usami got mad a little watching Haru lying to himself. LOLz...sweet scene between the two though.


And finally, to make things easier, Haru's parents gave the three obasaan the notice Haru made about IS.
And when I thought "Oh no Leon in this episode?" he appeared!~


Ahh Leon was slightly disappointed when the first thing Miwa asked him was about Haru. Poor guy...and when Miwa asked him whether he was worried about Haru or not, Leon told her that it's exactly just like what Haru would do, and since Haru's strong, he's not that worried. Miwa then knew just how much Leon understands Haru. Besides that, Leon did mention how it's not about the gender that matters, more importantly, it's how the person is. (am I right lol).
I think hearing those words from him, Miwa may find more courage to face the world.


Sad to see Haru's friends avoiding him T_T

The inquiry box is finally here! yatta!~
But days go by and still no one popped any questions in the box. Instead, most of the students made fun of it. It was funny how Haru's father jokingly blamed it on Natsu's drawing on the box haha...the usagi/rabbit looks cute though!

And then...
Easy to guess who wrote it!~ xDDD

Another great episode. Ahhh...I can't wait to see Haru wearing pants instead of skirt in school though lol...So after watching this episode, I'm most certainly liking Usami more and more. Can the writers please give her few more scenes in the remaining episodes? Also, I hope the three girls whom Haru befriended return to their old selves again coz we don't want to see serious classmates, especially the girl with the glasses. She should be hopping around happily and making cute faces. Kenji's arc, was quite beautifully written, totally didn't see the twist coming (slightly different from manga). What else...basically, the recent episodes have been nothing but awesome! I'm really curious how the writers will end it now. Another well deserved rating: 9/10





  1. I've just watched the latest episode. Amazing!

    I liked the scene in the end where Haru runs up the stairs to the school roof after receiving the letter.

  2. Hey thanks for the review ^^
    Btw you wrote about the time Miwa's father broke the lock that "I'm kinda relieved that the insane mother didn't appear to make things worse." well she couldn't lol
    He told Miwa that he put the mother in a hospital of somebody he knows (probably psychiatric lol)

    Loved this episode^^

  3. @nottoday - thanks for clearing that up about the mother xD I guess I wasn't listening carefully enough, the father's voice is really low haha...

  4. No problem^^
    Will be waiting for the review of ep 9 (if you're going to do it :P)



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