The battle begins! Ohrimura and Charles against Laura and Shinono. Laura and Ohrimura fought in the beginning but Laura was too tough for him, until Charles came in. Charles definitely got the hand of the battle more than Ohrimura. Forgive me for saying so but Ohrimura's suit didn't even look intimidating. They all seem to forget the presence of Shinono, but not for long. She interrupted and began showering Charles with bullets.
Shinono gave her best and managed to take Charles off both Laura and Ohrimura as they fought each other in their own league. However, Laura suddenly came and just attacked Shinono, although she's her team mate. It was obvious Laura wanted the battle all by herself. Her aim of course was to defeat Ohrimura.
Shinono was short-lived, all because of Laura. Charles won easily once Shinono was distracted with Laura's attack.
Then, Charles went over to help Ohrimura battle it off with Laura. She finally revealed a secret weapon, Ignition Boost which sent a rain of bullets straight at her. *sorta like machine gun*
Both Charles and Ohrimura went on a simultaneous attack on her, causing her to weaken and finally, Charles took the honor of finishing her. The picture below can be misleading lol...see, just when Ohrimura wanted to slash her, his energy was completely exhausted, What a coincidence.
After Laura lost, she reflected on the reason why she was here. We were given some insight into her past, trained from young to battle. And the origin of her eye patch. Her left eye was used to transplant a nanomachine, with which, I think she can use to control the machine or something. So when her ego was hurt badly, her emotions got control of her own will and she morphed into something hideous.
That looked like a huge statue made of rock! And it's similar to Chifunee's robotic, as Ohrimura mentioned.
Trying to battle with his low power left, it took only one katana style slash at him to return him into human form. His machine was over the limit.
Charles transferred her remaining power to him seeing how determined Ohrimura was to finish the battle. Finally, he got rid of the hideous machine and Laura was released from the the heart of the suit.
So since both Ohrimura and Charles won the battle, the girls couldn't go out with him lol...but Ohrimura told Shinono that he won't mind going shopping with her. For that, he deserved a kick and he did get one from Shinono. Hilarious scene.
The next day, Charles decided to expose her own true identity by re-introducing herself, this time, as Charlotte. So it was no secret anymore and realizing how close Ohrimura and Charles were in the last few days, even sharing a room and bath at the boy's dorm, Shen Long couldn't take it and charged towards Ohrimura during class.
Guess who came for rescue? Laura fend off the reckless attack and then...kissed Ohrimura!!!
Girls...Laura was just more daring than you all....
That was the most ridiculous, yet amusing ending of all episodes, so far. ROLF xDDD
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